1. docker buildx imagetools

在远处 registry 中操作清单列表(manifest list,或者 镜像)。

Imagetools 包含 registry 中使用的清单列表(manifest lists)的命令。


1.1. 帮助

# docker buildx imagetools --help

Usage:  docker buildx imagetools [OPTIONS] COMMAND

Commands to work on images in registry

      --builder string   Override the configured builder instance

  create      Create a new image based on source images
  inspect     Show details of image in the registry

Run 'docker buildx imagetools COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

1.2. 子命令

Name Description
[`create`](buildx_imagetools_create.md) Create a new image based on source images
[`inspect`](buildx_imagetools_inspect.md) Show details of an image in the registry

1.3. 选项

Name Type Default Description
[`--builder`](#builder) `string` 指定一个明确的 builder 构建器

1.4. 扩展阅读

这个命令和 docker manifest 命令类似。

2. 参考

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