1. docker manifest create

1.1. 描述

创建一个多架构镜像(manifest lists),并 push 到镜像仓库。

要创建多架构镜像,首先要在本地创建 manifest lists,指定您希望包含在清单列表中的组成映像。请注意,这是推送到镜像仓库的,所以如果您想推送到镜像仓库不是官方默认 hub.docker.com,您需要指定您的多架构镜像的镜像仓库地址或IP和端口。这类似于标记镜像并将其推送到外部镜像仓库。

在创建多架构镜像的本地副本之后,您可以选择对其进行注释 annotate。允许标注的是体系架构和操作系统(覆盖镜像的当前值)、操作系统特性和体系结构变体。最后,您需要将清单列表推送到所需的镜像仓库。详情参考 docker manifest annotatedocker manifest push

1.2. 帮助

# docker manifest create --help

Usage:  docker manifest create MANIFEST_LIST MANIFEST [MANIFEST...]

Create a local manifest list for annotating and pushing to a registry

  docker manifest create is an experimental feature.
  Experimental features provide early access to product functionality. These
  features may change between releases without warning, or can be removed from a
  future release. Learn more about experimental features in our documentation:

  -a, --amend      Amend an existing manifest list
      --insecure   Allow communication with an insecure registry

1.3. 选项

名称,简写 默认值 描述
-a, --amend - 修改一个已经存在的多架构镜像
--insecure - 允许使用不安全的(非合法证书的 https)镜像仓库

1.4. 示例

  • 将 redis 的 arm64 和 amd64 镜像构建成一个多架构镜像
# docker manifest create harbor.cncfstack.com/library/redis:6.2.6-multi harbor.cncfstack.com/library/redis:6.2.6-amd64 harbor.cncfstack.com/library/redis:6.2.6-arm64
Created manifest list harbor.cncfstack.com/library/redis:6.2.6-multi

构建完成后,可以使用 docker manifest inspect 查看多架构镜像信息

# docker manifest inspect harbor.cncfstack.com/library/redis:6.2.6-multi
   "schemaVersion": 2,
   "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json",
   "manifests": [
         "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
         "size": 1573,
         "digest": "sha256:3991cfe7ed07a7080c79a3b52e38e81caf13f9aa013b0bf588807f4637176515",
         "platform": {
            "architecture": "amd64",
            "os": "linux"
         "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
         "size": 1572,
         "digest": "sha256:6c1a95df60f12a3b014fa5c85a9c04e742eb2686db2a9f212d49974188ebf0ec",
         "platform": {
            "architecture": "arm64",
            "os": "linux",
            "variant": "v8"

然后使用 docker manifest push 将多架构镜像信息推送远程仓库

# docker manifest push  harbor.cncfstack.com/library/redis:6.2.6-multi

1.5. 常见问题

在使用 docker manifest create 时,需要先将待合并的镜像推送到远程镜像仓库,否则在创建时会报错 no such manifest

# docker manifest create redis:6.2.6-mult redis:6.2.6-amd64 redis:6.2.6-arm64
no such manifest: docker.io/library/redis:6.2.6-amd64

1.6. 参考

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